Dr. Rosendo Garza and our Golden West Dental Clinic team care for you and your oral health, which is why we strongly recommend reducing your chances of falling victim to tooth decay.
Tooth decay is a serious dental issue that can alter your oral health and severely damage your smile. It usually begins when you consume high amounts of sugar, have a poor oral hygiene routine, and have a plaque-covered smile. To help you prevent tooth decay and maintain a strong and successful oral health, we recommend doing the following things:
-Maintain a top-notch oral hygiene routine by brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing your smile once a day, and rinsing your mouth daily with mouthwash. These techniques will help you prevent tooth decay by washing away the sugar, plaque, and food particles in your smile.
-Visit your dentist every six months for a routine dental cleaning and checkup.
-Do your best to limit between-meal snacking. Snacking will make your teeth constantly vulnerable to substances that cause tooth decay.
-Try to keep sugar out of your diet. You can do so by making wise food and beverage choices.
-Include dairy, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and water in your diet as much as possible.
For more information on preventing tooth decay in Rialto, California, please do not hesitate to give our office a call. Our team is more than happy to help you in any way we can, and we look forward to giving you the information you need to succeed!