You may not know just how toothpaste was invented and how much it has changed over centuries. Read today’s blog to find out the history of toothpaste over the years. The origins of toothpaste dates back centuries, back to Egyptian times, around 5000 B.C., when people started using a paste to clean their teeth; this was even before toothbrushes were... read more »
Were you aware that the first trimester of pregnancy is when babies are most susceptible? This has led lots of women to prevent oral cleanings during their first trimester, but in reality, dental work does no harm to children during this stage of their development; there have been no studies showing so. In fact, skipping out on the dentist may... read more »
The orientation and alignment of your child’s permanent teeth can be affected by genetics, pediatric tooth loss, and other environmental factors. This can sometimes cause the lower set of teeth to protrude unnaturally from the bite pattern, or cause the upper teeth to recede slightly backward. This condition, which is known as malocclusion, could potentially cause dental fractures and dental... read more »
Our Golden West Dental Clinic team in Rialto, California, is excited to work with you on aligning your smile. Our orthodontist, Dr. Rosendo Garza also enjoys helping patients maintain their smile health along the way because healthy teeth and gums are important in or out of braces. In today's blog, we are reviewing some oral health essential to help you... read more »
Protecting your smile from gum disease and tooth decay requires daily oral hygiene. At Golden West Dental Clinic in Rialto, California, we encourage a low-sugar, low-starch diet, and eating tooth-friendly foods like lean protein, dairy, whole grains and fresh vegetables and fruit. Along with daily brushing and flossing, having routine six-month dental cleanings will provide a strong oral foundation. Still,... read more »
Traditional braces sometimes recommended by Dr. Rosendo Garza and the orthodontic specialists at Golden West Dental Clinic to correct significant deviations in the alignment of teeth. They incorporate metal brackets, wires, bands, and other orthodontic hardware components to create a system capable of stretching the periodontal ligaments that anchor your teeth in place. If you are uncomfortable with the overt... read more »
Dental fillings are strong dental restorations that can give you the healthy smile you need. If your dentist, Dr. Rosendo Garza, recommended repairing a tooth with a dental filling in Rialto, California, our dental team will be happy to help you know a little more about the restoration. To do so, we would like to provide you with the answers... read more »
Fact: Your teeth age right along with the rest of your body. Myth: When you reach elderly status, dentures are unavoidable. Your smile can be like a well-cared-for vintage car: aged and immaculate. Just follow these guidelines: - Avoid wear and tear: Some habits to reverse or avoid include chewing on ice or other extremely hard foods, opening packages with... read more »
In the quest for a flawless smile, brushing and flossing are not enough. In a world, where so many things can destroy your smile, you need to think about prevention. Hazards to your smile can be found in the foods you eat, your activities, and your habits. Most unhealthy habits inevitably lead to problems. If you smoke, chew tobacco or... read more »
As you may have heard, it’s important to clean your smile while you have braces. This is recommended because having a clean and healthy smile can help you avoid dental and orthodontic issues. So, please do your best to keep up with your oral hygiene routine. To help you properly clean your smile, Dr. Rosendo Garza and our dental team... read more »