Sometimes even the most thorough oral hygiene regimen, simply isn’t enough to prevent a cavity from forming on one of your teeth. Dr. Rosendo Garza’s regular dental checkup will detect any cavities that form in your mouth. Should you notice one of your teeth change in texture or develops heightened sensitivity, you should have it examined at your earliest convenience.... read more »
While you’re at the store grocery shopping, it’s important to also shop for your smile. For the best oral health possible, you need to have a pristine oral hygiene routine that involves the proper tools. To help you choose the best products possible, our Golden West Dental Clinic team recommends completing the following shopping list while you are at the... read more »
Dr. Rosendo Garza and our Golden West Dental Clinic team care for you and your oral health, which is why we strongly recommend reducing your chances of falling victim to tooth decay. Tooth decay is a serious dental issue that can alter your oral health and severely damage your smile. It usually begins when you consume high amounts of sugar,... read more »