Using Sugarless Gum for Good Oral Health Care

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Are you aware of the oral health benefits that chewing sugarless gum can provide? Chewing gum is often viewed as a tool that can damage your jaw, but the truth is it can actually be highly beneficial if used correctly. Studies have shown that by chewing sugarless gum for a period of up to 20 minutes after a meal, you can actively help to prevent cavities.

Sugarless gum is helpful for preventing cavities because it helps increase saliva flow. Saliva is a naturally occurring substance in your mouth which is designed to help keep your teeth and gums clean. Not only can saliva neutralize harmful acids in your mouth, but it can also wash away any food debris that may linger after eating.

Because of the saliva formation that chewing gum provide, chewing gum is also helpful for preventing heartburn. When heartburn arises, harmful acids travel up your esophagus and damage your teeth. Through the use of saliva, these acids can be neutralized, and your tooth enamel can be kept safe from the risk of dental erosion.

If you would like to come visit Dr. Rosendo Garza at our dentist office in Rialto, California for amazing oral health care treatments, please call us at 909-421-8787. Our team at Golden West Dental Clinic are here to provide the smile makeover you desire.